Do you book flights?
Our specialty is the land portion and unique experiences of a trip, so while we are happy to make recommendations as to which airport to arrive and depart from based on the tour, we do not purchase flights on behalf of clients.
FAQ Italy 2022
Are the package prices based on double occupancy?
Yes. Prices are per person, based on double occupancy, meaning two people in a room. Prices for single occupancy are higher. Please contact us for pricing and more information.
Do I need a passport?
Yes. Your passport must have at least six months validity remaining beyond your planned date of departure from the Schengen area. It is best to take a look at your passport’s expiration date before making any international travel plans.
Can I arrive early or stay longer than the tour dates?
Yes. Please let us know at the time of your booking and we can assist you in pre and / or post travel options.
Can I add travel insurance to my reservation?
Yes. Travel insurance is required. We can provide you with insurance options or you can purchase on your own. This is helpful with lost luggage, trip delays or cancellations, medical issues or accidents. Let us know if you’d like to learn about coverage details.